The Holly Springs Tourism and Recreation Bureau serves the broader interest of the economy within the city of Holly Springs and surrounding areas by supporting, maintaining and expanding the travel and tourism market in so generating increased visitor expenditures, tax revenues and direct/indirect employment.

The organization works to develop and implement marketing programs beneficial to travel related businesses, and/or consumers

It is the organization’s mission to attract visitors to our city for the opportunities to eat, stay, shop, and play!


Visitor Welcome Bags can be purchased from the Holly Springs Tourism office. These bags contain visitor brochures and information about tourism related items in Holly Springs.

These bags are meant for the purpose of educating visitors from outside Holly Springs who are staying overnight in a Holly Springs Hotel, Motel or Bed and Breakfast.

The first 30 bags for events are free and each bag beyond 30 costs $1. To order bags please contact us at (888) 687-4765.

Group Tours

Visit historic Holly Springs, Mississippi! From retirees to student groups, Holly Springs offers tour groups of all ages and sizes.

The Holly Springs Tourism Staff can help tour operators with docent services, goody bags and itinerary planning. For more information, contact us today at (888)687-4765


Holly Springs Tourism & Recreation Bureau Promotional Assistance Grant Program

Application Acceptance for Fiscal Year 2024

FY2024 October 15, 2023 thru November 15, 2023
Deadline November 15, 2023 (for events/projects taking place January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024)

Overview/Mission Statement

The mission/goal of the Holly Springs Tourism and Recreation Bureau’s promotional assistance grant program is to enhance the tourism promotion efforts of the City of Holly Springs by supporting and helping a project/activity/event in Holly Springs become established and self-sustaining. The event should draw visitors (business travelers, vacationers, conventioneers, etc.) from outside Holly Springs (preferably over 50 to 100 miles unless the Board approves less than 50 miles with qualification of sufficient overnight stays generated and restaurant visits) and/or will entice tourists to visit our attractions, spend the night in Holly Springs hotels, motels, cottages, bed & breakfasts and eat in Holly Springs restaurants.

NOTE: It is the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Holly Springs Tourism and Recreation Bureau that a project should be self-sustaining or become self-sustaining within FIVE years and request for funding will be limited (for example if this office has funded a brochure for your organization for five years we will not continue to award grant funding for that use).

Eligibility Requirements:

Eligible applicants for funding include any organization whose primary objective is promoting the Tourism industry in general and Holly Springs in particular, to visitors generating overnight stays and economic stimulus to the city. Grant monies are tax generated funds; thus the state of Mississippi Division of Tourism requirement/guidelines indicate that priority will be given to an organization that is a not-for-profit as defined by IRS regulations.

View grant information and application


The Holly Springs Tourism Board of Directors and Executive Director meet once a month, 11 months each fiscal year; the meetings are held at the Holly Springs Tourism Bureau office, at 6:30pm., normally on the 4th Monday of each month, unless a change is necessary.

Sponsorship Requirements:

Holly Springs Tourism must be notified of any sponsorship requests at least 90 days in advance. Eligible applicants for funding include any organization whose primary objective is promoting the Tourism industry in general and Holly Springs in particular, to visitors generating overnight stays and economic stimulus to the city. Sponsorship monies are tax generated funds; thus the state of Mississippi Division of Tourism requirement/guidelines indicate that priority will be given to an organization that is a not-for-profit as defined by IRS regulations.

If sponsorship funding is approved, the current Holly Springs Tourism and Recreation Bureau logo and/or the verbiage, “Partially funded by the Holly Springs Tourism and Recreation Bureau” must be on all print material, advertising, and media. Your organization’s sponsorship funding eligibility may be revoked, or a refund required if there is failure to adhere to application process and/or funding guidelines.
